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Skills Training and Retention (STAR) Program

The STAR program teaches students how to identify and regulate their emotions using therapeutic skills to see a reduction of maladaptive behaviors in the classroom/school setting.

Target Population:

  • Students who are classified as ERI 
  • Students who receive multiple behavioral write-ups
  • Students who experience emotions very intensely 

Outline/Services of Program:

  • Two DBT* skills training groups a week
  • Three individual psychotherapy sessions using a combination of best-practice therapies

Rotations are 4-6 weeks long.
Academic support will be put in place as needed.

For more information on the STAR Program, 
please contact Ashley Staggard, LPC, ACS (732) 946-4771 (104)

*Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an evidenced-based intervention that is broken down into four modules: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Students will be taught an assortment of DBT skills with the aim of each student mastering one from each category.